The 2024 Local Government Elections are on this Saturday 14 September 2024. Voting is compulsory. For more information please click on the "LG Elections" tab below.
For all the latest information on events happening around the Bland Shire.
Find out more about Indigenous Culture within the Bland Shire area and the local Wiradjuri people who cover one of the largest tribal areas in NSW from Nyngan to Albury and from Hay to Bathurst.
Bland Shire's Community Care Service provides support to older people, people with a disability and people who care for them, as they live at home
A comprehensive listing of Bland Shire businesses, community groups and sporting organisations.
Find out about youth services, activities and events in the Bland Shire including access to online youth mental health support services and tertiary education information.
A listing of upcoming Council and community events, activities and meetings.
The Safe Sharps project is an initiative of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) to assist sharps' users to easily find approved sharps'disposal locations.
A collection of resources to issues farmers and businesses through the drought
Information for residents and visitors regarding disability access and inclusion within the shire.
The Community Reference Group is an open forum for Councillors and community members to discuss matters related to community, tourism heritage, arts and culture and access.
Find road safety information here.
There are a number of defibs located across all towns and villages within the Bland Shire for use of residents in the event of an emergency. Please familiarise yourself with the defib location finder to ensure you know where your closest unit is.
Mornings, Melodies & Memories is a free program that Bland Shire Council has been running for several months specifically for seniors in Bland Shire. The program offers an opportunity for seniors in the districts to share a morning tea together, accompanied by live music provided by various local talents, and to share some memories and stories with their peers.
You can search for a deceased person's resting place in the West Wyalong Cemetery here.