For children


1. Storytime

Storytime is fun and its FREE! Bursting with stories, craft activities, games, music and dance for children aged 2 - 5 years, Storytime is an integral part of the library's Early Literacy Program. Storytime is held each Thursday from 10.30am during the school term. Duration is one hour. Parents are asked to provide a piece of fruit to be shared by the children at morning tea.

2. Baby Bounce

Baby Bounce Perfect for babies aged 24 months and under, Baby Bounce is an integral part of the library's Early Literacy Program and it's FREE! Introduce your baby to reading and literacy through books, rhymes, songs and interactive play. Baby Bounce is held every second Friday from 10.30am during the school term. Duration is 30 minutes.

3. Premier's Reading Challenge

The NSW Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is available for all NSW students in Kindergarten - Year 9. The Challenge aims to encourage in students a love of reading for leisure and pleasure, and to enable students to experience quality literature.

4. Summer Reading Club

The Summer Reading Club 40-Day Challenge is for school-age children 5 – 16 years. The free program, which officially runs from December 1 – January 31, aims to encourage children and young people to read over the long summer break with incentives provided to help them reach their goal. With an emphasis on days spent reading (rather than number of books read) the program is more achievable for all involved.

So how does it work? The program is launched in November when participants register to receive a reading pack, ready to start reading on December 1.

Participants receive a reward for every 10 consecutive days that they read, up to 40 days. All they have to do to receive their reward is present their reading log at the library and have it signed by a staff member. However, all entries in their reading log must be validated — that is, signed by a parent or guardian. While it is recommended that participants read for at least 10 – 20 minutes per session, this is only a guideline and is not compulsory.

There is a theme every year.  The library holds competitions and additional activities during December and January for registered members to participate in with a presentation and finale party held in February. 


5. Story Box Library

Story Box Library is an online ‘reading room’ where the wonderful world of Australian Children’s Literature is on permanent exhibit. Story Box Library is committed to supporting and encouraging the practice of storytelling - inspiring young imaginations to soar by connecting children with literature through the complementary medium of film. Story Box Library provides a vibrant, interactive experience via a diverse range of everyday Australian storytellers - sportspeople, musicians, grandparents, teenagers, comedians, actors, with varying accents and from different cultures - each sharing past and present book titles. The result is meaningful, entertaining readings that focus on both teller and tale. Story Box Library is FREE. However, to access Story Box Library you must be a current member of the library.

6. Lego Club

Free program for Lego lovers 5 - 14 years. Lego Legends is conducted both online and onsite. Check out the Bland Shire Library Lego Legends Facebook page for fortnightly challenges. There are prizes to be won! 

A face-to-face session is held in the library the first Wednesday of each month (excluding January) and consists of both individual and group projects or challenges, as well as free creative time. So come along, share your skills, master cool builds and make new friends. Fun guaranteed! Booking is required and parents of very young children are encouraged to attend.

So why Lego? Lego offers physical and mechanical skills in a library setting, thus encouraging STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics) skills; it promotes problem solving through kinaesthetic or tactile learning; attracts both girls and boys; and can be enjoyed by all ages.