Advertised Development - 303 Wargin Road Wyalong

Was on display until 20 November 2020, 11:59 PM

  • Application numberDA2021/0041
  • Applicant nameRegional Hardrock (West Wyalong) Pty Ltd
  • StatusPending

303 Wargin Road, Wyalong 2671  View Map

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The following development application is currently on public exhibition:


Applicant: Regional Hardrock (West Wyalong) Pty Ltd

Development: Heavy Industry – Concrete Batching

Land: Lot 24 DP 750617 & Lot 52 DP 749271

Development Address: 303 Wargin Road, Wyalong   NSW   2671

Plans are available for inspection at Council’s Offices at 6 Shire Street, West Wyalong between the hours of 8.30am to 5.00pm. 

Any submissions to the application must be received in writing within (28) days of the publication of this notice being 21 October 2020.

Amendments to the Local Government and Planning Legislation now require the public disclosure of donations or gifts when lodging or commenting on development proposals.

Anyone lodging or commenting on a development proposal will be required to disclose any political donations or gifts they have made in the two years preceding the application.